Health and Environment


The overall goal of the Health and Environment Committee is to promote activities dedicated to improving the health and environment of citizens of the Albany and Tula regions.  Members may include public health specialists, environmental scientists, clinicians, academicians, pharmacists, community representatives, and other interested persons.  The Committee meets as needed to plan and implement its activities. The work of the Committee is facilitated by its Chair or co-Chairs, who also serve as members of the Board of Directors of the Albany-Tula Alliance. 


  • Promote, through information (e.g., journal articles, websites), the advancement of health and wellbeing in both regions.
  • Provide technical assistance and information to protect the local environment in both regions.
  • Provide pedagogic support through conferences, workshops, etc. to achieve our goals.
  • Seek governmental grants and private foundation support to support our work.
  • Facilitate access to appropriate treatments for specified diseases and mitigation for environmental contamination.
  • Promote the exchange of health and scientific professionals, clinicians, and students to advance health and the environment in both regions.
  • Work cooperatively with our colleagues in Tula to assure consistency in purpose, values, goals, and efforts.

Get Involved

We’re busy planning lots more activities for the next year. To find out more or to volunteer your assistance, please email